Mandeville, Jamaica


Pastors Dwight and Shanda Pinnock lead Generations Church as well as a Moorlands, a local camp and retreat centre located in Mandeville, Jamaica.

During this time of Covid-19, their church was required to shut down and they were greatly affected by the downturn of their economy. Dwight and Shanda, along with their 4 children, are faithfully serving their community and sharing the gospel to as many as they can.

In November 2020, they were able to re-open their church. As a church we have made it one of our missions to support them not only through our prayers as well as financially.

Things to specifically pray for: Wisdom, Comfort, Provision for the Church and Camp, Creative Ideas to reach those that are desperate for God, their kids as they go through this strange time together and intimacy with the Lord.

Please give generously knowing that their ministry is a great blessing to their city. Make a note on your giving; e-transfer, online, or by cheque, that it is for Generations Church.

Thank you for all your generosity to Generations Church. Click here to read the newest newsletter from Pastors Dwight & Shanda.